Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Itty Bitty Apron

     My little lady is having a birthday soon. My super talented mister is making her a play kitchen out of scrap wood as our birthday present to her. I get the fun of coming up with all the little accessories to go along with it. I think I am having more fun with this than she will! Since every little cook needs an apron, I whipped this up for her.

     You might recognize the fabric from my stool I recovered. I had just enough scraps left to make the apron. I was in a monstrous hurry when I made this, so no pictures or directions for this one. Basically an apron is just a half circle with a square on top so it isn't hard at all to sketch out one without a pattern. I added a ruffle around the bottom. I was going to add a pocket, but I guess I forgot. Whoopsy! I think it'll work just fine for all the little lady's cooking endeavors.

      This is my last post for a few days, but I'll be back soon!

Linking to:
Under the Table and Dreaming